Tall screening Olive Tree -GT256
Tall screening Olive Tree from our suppliers in Tuscany. All our Olives have their plant passports. Please note depending on your location Ie outside of Norfolk this tree will incur an additional delivery fee on top of the £50/£65 charged at checkout. Please speak to us to discuss on 07766730893.
Tall screening tree
Screening trees are perfect for hiding an eyesore, giving privacy from overlooking neighbours or even creating a room within a garden.
Height not including pot 3 metres 50cm
Stem Height 2 metres 30cm
Where to grow
Your Olive Tree will respond best in a sheltered sunny spot, but this does not mean that you will be unable to grow it elsewhere in your garden. The most important thing to remember when planting your Olive Tree is to avoid planting it in a waterlogged position. Cold, wet ground in the winter is the cause of nearly all problems with Olive Trees.
How hardy is an Olive Tree?
The simple answer to this is “very hardy”. Olive Trees will happily survive with no ill effects whatsoever in temperatures as low as -15. Temperatures lower than this can cause scarring to the bark but this will heal and contributes to the gnarly effect that we all know and love. Once again, the thing to stress is make sure the ground around your Olive isn’t too wet in the winter.
Feeding your Olive Tree
We have created an organic slow release Olive Feed to ensure your olive gets the nutrients it requires. A blend of guano, seaweed and epsom salts our olive blend will fertilise and strengthen your Olive Tree year round. High in potassium, phosphate and magnesium it enriches the soil and encourages tree growth. Available online. Sprinkle the base of your Olive Tree and surrounding soil with a generous scoop of our Olive feed in early spring and then again mid-summer. If you are keeping your Olive in a pot, water well every other day during the growing season April to October. If the cold weather has led to your tree shedding some of its leaves, then a good soak followed by tomato feed will soon have it replacing them with new leaves.
Pruning your Olive Tree
Like most evergreen trees Olives respond very well to pruning, in fact the harder you prune, the more they grow. It is best, however, to prune your Olive after the last of the winter frost and before the first autumn frosts. If you prune back your Olive Tree ‘hard’ it will result in a dense growth or a light ‘formative’ prune will give your tree a wild and wispy form.