5 reasons to add an Olive Tree to your wedding gift wish list

5 reasons to add an Olive Tree to your Wedding gift wish list.

Wedding buntingThe Olive Tree otherwise known as the ‘Tree of life’ is becoming increasingly popular as a wedding gift. One of the reasons behind their new found celebrity status is James Righton musician made a very public offering of a one hundred year old Olive Tree to his new Bride Keira Knightly. Whilst  Angelina Jolie was reported to have brought husband Brad Pitt a two hundred year old Olive Tree for a Valentines Gift.

In Greece, a common blessing for married couples is: “May you always have bread and wine and olive oil in your house.”

As well as being a gift symbolic of Peace, Hope and fertility there are many other reasons why newly weds should plant an Olive Tree.

  1. Olive tree strong rootsOlive Trees have a small root system and can be moved and transplanted with the couple at every chapter of their lives together.
  2. Trees increase property values. The beauty of a well-planted property and its surrounding street and neighbourhood can raise property values by as much as 15 percent.
  3. Olive trees can be grown in the ground or kept in pots, and not only symbolise the longevity of the marriage, but also represent continued abundance in years to come.
  4. Trees clean the air. OliveTrees absorb odours and pollutant gases (nitrogen oxides, ammonia, sulphur dioxide and ozone) and filter particulates out of the air by trapping them on their leaves and bark.
  5. Trees block out eyesores. Olive Trees can mask concrete walls, nosy neighbours and unsightly views. They muffle sound from nearby streets and roads, and create an eye-soothing canopy of green. Trees absorb dust and wind and reduce glare.

OlivesIt’s the gift that keeps on giving and will accompany the couple throughout their married life, braving the storms, offering shade and protection and bearing fruit. A gift truly rich in meaning.

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