Extra Large Terracotta Pots |  What’s new

Extra Large Terracotta Pots

Pots have always been a firm favourite in all types and sizes of gardens. But recently there has been a rise in popularity for extra large terracotta pots. It seems however, that lightweight terracotta pots are being favoured over traditional ones. Here, we explore the reasons why this might be…

We have a selection of both traditional terracotta and resin pots.

Are terracotta or resin pots better?

Like with most things in life, it comes down to personal choice. Although there can be pros and cons for both,depending on what you’re planting and where it’s going. For many people pots provide an opportunity to move the plants location, indoors in winter, outdoors on the patio in warmer months. For some, its about making a stylish statement and creating a bold focal point, in the back garden or even to frame a front door. So, there is no denying that lightweight resin extra-large terracotta pots are becoming the star of the container show! And for good reason. Not only are they impressive on the eye, they’re also environmentally friendly if you’re concerned with carbon footprint.

Lightweight and environmentally friendly

Are bigger pots better for plants?

Firstly, one common myth that plants grow bigger in bigger pots but typically, this isn’t the case. The most significant aspect of planting in containers or pots is choosing the right size. Choosing the wrong size can adversely affect the roots and the plants ability to absorb nutrients. Therefore, the size of the pot is directly proportional to the plant size. This is one of the reasons large trees such as large specimen olive trees, palms, or fig. These types of plants thrive in extra large pots, proving all the space the roots need to absorb important nutrients. 

Lightweight means you can move plants to your preferred spot.
Terracotta is much heavier than resin
Can you tell the difference? ( This is resin, also made in Italy )

If you’re looking for lightweight extra-large terracotta pots, then take a look at our current range. We also have a pretty impressive array of plants to fill them too…

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