Cost of Olive Trees |Blog

How much do olive trees cost?

The cost of an established olive tree in the UK can vary depending on several factors such as size, age, variety, and supplier. Olive trees are not native to the UK, so they are imported from other countries where they are more commonly grown. The price of an established olive tree can range anywhere from £65 including delivery to thousands depending on the variety and age. Smaller trees or younger saplings are generally less expensive. However, larger, more mature trees can be quite costly due to their size and the time it takes to cultivate them.

The Self fertile Arbequina starts at £125

What are the main factors that influence cost?

One of the primary factors influencing the cost is the size of the tree. Small olive trees with a height of around 1-2 meters may be more affordable, starting at around £60- £125. Medium-sized trees, ranging from 2-4 meters, can be priced between £100-£425. Larger, more established olive trees with a height of 4 meters or more can command higher prices, often exceeding £600.

Ancient Olives start at £600

Does the cost of Olive Trees depend on the variety of olive tree?

The variety of olive tree also plays a role in the cost. Different olive varieties have varying characteristics, such as fruit size, oil content, and hardiness. Some varieties are more popular and sought after, which can drive up the price. Additionally, age or specialty pruned may be more expensive due to their limited availability.

Where to buy your olive tree

The supplier or nursery from which you purchase the tree also impacts the cost of Olive Trees. Local garden centres  may only have a small and limited range of trees based on their sourcing and overheads. Specialty olive tree suppliers such as ourselves offer a wider selection that combines expertise and a wide variety of stock. It’s worth noting that when purchasing an established olive tree, you are not only paying for the physical tree. You are also purchasing the knowledge and care invested in cultivating and maintaining it until it reaches the desired size. Furthermore, additional costs such as delivery, planting, and ongoing maintenance should be considered.

It’s recommended to research local suppliers, compare prices, and consult with experts to find the best option that fits your budget and specific requirements. Here at the Norfolk Olive Tree company we have the highest quality DEFRA approved olive trees. Working closely with them to ensure that only the highest grade trees are available to buy.

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