Lemon tree. Free delivery.


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Lemon Tree

The lemon tree embodies the warm, carefree feeling of spring and summer – and don’t we all need that feeling right now! Also, they’re super easy to grow and generally fruit quickly, even in the not so brilliant climate (sorry UK). Here at the Norfolk Olive tree, we love plants and trees with summer feels, and having a lemon tree is no exception. They’re versatile enough to have inside or outside and can bring a slice of sunshine even on the gloomiest of days. There’s nothing quite like the fresh flavour of home-grown lemons!

Lemon tree Measurements

Height including pot 2 metre 30cm approximately

35 litre pot.

Growing lemon trees indoors

OK so we’ve sold you on the sunshine feels but how about growing lemon trees? Well, surprisingly they can be grown indoors and outdoors. If you’re opting for indoors then there’s a few things you’ll need to know. Firstly, pot size – don’t be tempted to use a huge one to begin with, it’s better to start out small. Overly large pots with excess soil can make it difficult to tell when your indoor lemon tree needs water. For most young trees, start with a 12-inch diameter container. As your tree grows over the years, slowly progress to pots double that size in width and depth. Start by filling the bottom of the pot with soil, then lightly tamp it down. Repeat until you reach the right depth for your tree’s root ball. This helps provide a good foundation, so your tree won’t settle in too deeply. Top tip – always leave a few inches at the top for watering. It’s safe to say lemon trees are partial to lots of sun, around 4 to 8 hours a day is ideal. For the best growth, simply place them in front of a South-facing or sunny window.

Growing them outdoors

Lemon trees love to be planted too – again as long as they are in a nice sunny location. They also need regular watering. The best time to plant lemon trees is spring so now is the perfect time to think about buying! To plant your tree, dig your hole just as deep and approximately twice as wide as the tree’s root ball.  After you’ve got everything ready, place your tree and loosen its roots just a bit. Then, backfill your hole with soil with 2 inches of compost and water well.  Then, after planting spread a 2 to 3-inch layer of mulch over the tree’s root area to preserve moisture. However, be sure to keep the mulch away from the tree’s bark.

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