Here at the Norfolk Olive Tree Company we have been working together with our Tuscan nursery to grow young Olive trees that will suit the UK climate and give our clients the best chance of growing fruiting trees.
Bundle of 30-
You will receive 10 Arbequina, 10 Leccino and 10 Koroneiki olive trees.
Over the last few years we have discovered the varieties that are the most reliable at fruiting in the Uk. We are now offering our clients the chance to buy maiden trees of 3-4 years of age that are now fruiting.
These trees are grown as standards and are supplied in 10 litre pots. The trees will cross pollinate to achieve the best chances for high yields. Fruiting is always variable in the Uk but planting these varieties will give you the best chances of achieving good results.
We recommend planting at least 3 trees and in your batch of trees you will receive 10 Arbequina, 10 Leccino and 10 Koroneiki Olive.
Olive grove bundle
When planting your Olive grove select a site in a warm sunny position if possible in a South West facing aspect. It’s not necessary to cultivate a deep planting site as the trees as they say in Tuscany ‘need to get to know their soil’. It is however good to remove any competitive weeds from around the planting area of your trees giving them approximately a square metre of soil around them without grass or other plants, this will enable your trees to establish quickly. Mulch the surrounding area with wood chip or straw and water well for the first 2 Summers. It’s a common misconception that Olive trees don’t need water, if you want your trees to fruit then water is incredibly important install either an irrigation system to drip water daily for about 20 minutes or water your trees by hand with about 5 litres of water a day. As your trees mature over the first 2 years then you can reduce this as they will send down a root system to find enough water to satisfy their needs.
We can take orders of trees in any quantity required but advise planting at least 3 trees to start off your grove, for large orders please contact us to discuss availability and delivery.
The trees will available from October 2024 and will be delivered from this date allowing planting before Spring in the U.K. All our Olive trees meet the requirements set by DEFRA
3 Tree Package £200 including delivery.
6 Tree Package £410 including delivery.
12 Tree Package £800 including delivery.
30 Tree Package £1695 including delivery.