Coastal Garden Plants |Blog

Coastal Garden Plants

Coastal garden plants bring the tranquil feeling of the seaside straight into your back garden. And if you’re not by the sea, you can create a sense of coastal bliss to instantly transport you there. From palm trees to beautiful grasses and even olive trees, there are options in abundance for your coastal-inspired garden.

Palm trees 

When you think of coastal garden plants Palm trees instantly evoke a feeling of warmth and sunshine, with a tropical feel. However, it’s not just about looks, if your garden is particularly exposed, palm trees offer instant shade and privacy from neighbours and prying eyes. Not only this but they can tolerate salty air and sandy soil, attract wildlife, and require minimal maintenance. If that’s not reason enough, then we don’t know what is.

Ornamental grasses

Ornamental grasses such as Large Dasylirion Longissimum can mimic the swaying movement of the ocean breeze. Grasses like this have tough, flexible stems that can bend without breaking in winds. As they move, they bring a lovely, airy texture and movement to your garden creating a wonderfully relaxing feeling. And they’re another drought-resistant plant that can withstand the harsh conditions often found in coastal areas.

Olive Trees 

Olive trees thrive in coastal gardens due to their resilience to strong winds and salty air providing an elegant Mediterranean feel. And their evergreen foliage offers shade and privacy, while their drought tolerance and low maintenance make them ideal for coastal landscapes. Furthermore, olives provide edible fruits, and their aromatic flowers attract pollinators, enriching the garden’s biodiversity. So, olive trees really are the jewel in the coastal crown when it comes to coastal garden plants.   

Olive trees love salt air

We boast a wide variety of Mediterranean plants and trees capable of crafting the most stunning seaside garden imaginable. Browse our wide range of coastal garden plants today. 

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