When Do Olive Trees Flower? Blog.

When do olive trees flower?

If you’ve recently bought an olive tree the chances are you’ve asked yourself the question – when do olive trees flower? Most olive trees will flower at some point, but there are lots of things that can affect development. Generally, olive trees flower in mid-spring around April/May so now is the time to check your tree for buds! The length of blossoming can vary as it largely depends on weather conditions, however, 6 weeks is average. Here we take a closer look at why you might not be seeing those pretty little flowers just yet…

Why is my olive tree not flowering?

There are many reasons your olive tree isn’t flowering such as…

  1. Stress – it’s important to ensure the plant isn’t water-stressed during late winter and also spring. This is when flower induction and development starts so it’s important to water enough but not too much.
  2. Pruning – if fruit yield has been poor in previous seasons it is recommended to wait until the trees are flowering in spring before pruning. Then if pruning is required only prune the branches that are unproductive so that you leave as many flowering branches as possible.
  3. Food – it’s important to ensure the right food is given to the olive tree to ensure it is nutrient-rich for flowering and bearing fruit.

What if my tree flowers but won’t produce fruit?

The most common reason for the lack of fruit is the lack of pollination. Often, olive tree flowers are pollinated by wind, but some can’t be fertilised by their own pollen. Some varieties that are self-incompatible include the ‘Arbequina‘ olive tree as well as the ‘Gordal‘ and ‘Picual’ cultivars. Therefore, having trees that are different cultivars will often resolve this issue.

If you’re looking for a quality olive tree, take a look at our current stock.

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