Swimming pool landscaping | Top five plants | Blog

Top 5 plants for swimming pool landscaping

When it comes to choosing plants for swimming pool landscaping, it’s important to take into consideration the surroundings. For example, where your pool is located and the types of weather the plants will be subjected to most of the time. Also, there’s the decision of style, are you looking for contemporary or more traditional plant styling? The good news is, there are plants for every taste and climate. 

Poolside plants

There are a whole host of plants that will not just make a statement but also withstand most extremes of temperatures. Here, we’ve listed our top 5 most suitable poolside plants…

Olive Tree

The beautiful olive tree makes for an ideal plant for around a pool as they can be planted in the ground or in a pot. They also provide year-round impressive colour and they’re drought tolerant.

Swimming pool landscaping

Hardy Banana Tree

Hardy Banana trees have impressive large leaves that can offer shade and a good focal point around the pool. They give off the instant look of a tropical oasis, and they grow quickly. They prefer a sunny yet sheltered spot. 


Agave, aloe, and yucca are all incredibly hardy and don’t require much water or other care. Not only that, but they love the heat and can easily tolerate rays that radiate off of the cement. They can also tolerate full sun, you won’t have to find somewhere shady to house them.

Aloe Striatula


Japanese Sago, Butia Capitata, Trachycarpus Fortunei are all fantastic examples of poolside plants that offer architectural charm and low maintenance. They’re all drought tolerant and offer year-round stunning blue/green colour. 

Planting in pots

Pots are a great way to add a variety of plants and flexibility on location. They can be easily moved if you want to group certain species together, or perhaps make a statement with large Italian pots. However, it’s worth remembering that plants in pots require more watering than ones planted in the ground and can easily dry out. Another thing to note is that plants around the pool must be able to withstand the high light reflection off the water. Not only this, but usually the pool is surrounded by concrete or tiles which can become super-hot, so drought tolerant plants are a must. They will also need more frequent irrigation and when you do plant, leave plenty of room in the pot for air circulation.

If you’re looking for swimming pool landscaping, then contact us today for expert help and advice.

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