Luxury Mediterranean Garden Design 

With the soaring temperatures this summer, the UK is looking to luxury Mediterranean Garden Design more than ever before. The whimsical, warmly decorated style of the Mediterranean includes an abundance of drought tolerant plants.

Luxury Mediterranean Garden Design

And if this weather is to return next year, drought tolerant plants will be necessary for any garden looking to withstand extreme heat. Here, we take a look at how you can decorate your garden tastefully and thoughtfully to include year round colour. 

Yucca Rostrata, Agave and prickly pear

Warm colour palette

If you are looking to create an authentic and rustic landscape, then add evergreen plants like olive trees, palms and Yucca that last all year round. And not only do they provide the architectural wow factor with wonderful foliage, they’re low maintenance and can withstand extremes of temperatures. Another great range of plants to include in luxury Mediterranean Garden Design are citrus trees, specifically the lemon tree. This beautiful tree has creamy-white scented flowers and glossy, evergreen leaves. And if you’re lucky enough to bear fruit, the well-flavoured lemons hang like elegant chandeliers. Surprisingly, they can adapt well to cooler British climates. They’re generally happy to grow in pots, and most varieties of both orange and lemon trees can remain outside above 10°C.

Arranging your rustic Mediterranean garden

Rustic-style outdoor kitchen ideas are a great way to recreate the Mediterranean vibe. You can pair deep terracotta details with large plant pots big enough to make an enviable statement. This style of garden invites comfort and rustic informality over formal, ordered arrangements – whatever the size of the garden. Try mixing different colours and styles of plant to add interest and once you have the frame, fill the gaps with pretty flowering plants.

Drought-tolerant Mediterranean gardens are both beautiful and sustainable, the perfect option for a sunny spot. If you would like help choosing your perfect Mediterranean plant, then contact us today.

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