Olea europaea ‘Cipressino’ |Norfolk Olive Co

Olea europaea ‘Cipressino’ In the Mediterranean region, where the sun-kissed landscapes meet blue skies, lies the beautiful Olea europaea ‘Cipressino’. Here, it’s famous for having a stunning appearance and delicious fruits! It completely captures the essence of the Mediterranean, with all its cultural richness packed into one tree. Rich in history Originating from Italy, ‘Cipressino’ is slender […]

Italian olive trees |Blog

Italian olive trees Olive trees can be found growing across the globe, but Italian olive trees are considered some of the best varieties. The Italians understand that with olive tree cultivation patience is key. Ideally, trees need to mature for around 15 years to produce a long-lasting, healthy crop. It’s this dedication that sees Italy as the […]

The best olive tree variety | Blog

The best olive tree variety  Choosing the best variety of olive tree will depend on your specific growing conditions and the look you are wanting to achieve. Here we’ve selected our top young and mature varieties that will add instant impact to any garden. Young olive trees Choosing a young olive tree has several benefits […]

Best Companion Plants for Olive Trees

What are the best companion plants for olive trees?  Olive trees are an impressive standalone tree, but when selected carefully, companion plants can help to create a dramatic visual impact. They can also help to add a designer touch, enhancing the surroundings with a striking colour palette and sculptural interest. But what makes a good […]

Luxury Mediterranean Garden Design 

With the soaring temperatures this summer, the UK is looking to luxury Mediterranean Garden Design more than ever before. The whimsical, warmly decorated style of the Mediterranean includes an abundance of drought tolerant plants. Luxury Mediterranean Garden Design And if this weather is to return next year, drought tolerant plants will be necessary for any […]

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