FAQ: How to Care for Olive Trees Over Winter in England
Olive trees (Olea europaea) are hardy and can withstand the British winter, but a few care measures can help them thrive. Here’s a handy FAQ to guide you through the process.
1. Do olive trees need to be protected from frost?
Olive trees are hardy down to about -15°C. In most of England, they do not need to be fleeced unless there is a prolonged cold spell with temperatures dropping below this threshold. In colder areas, providing additional protection, such as horticultural fleece, can prevent damage from severe frosts or icy winds .

2. Should I cover my olive tree with fleece?
Covering is only necessary during extended periods of freezing weather. For trees planted in the ground, you can wrap horticultural fleece around the tree or use windbreaks to reduce wind chill. Potted trees are more vulnerable as their roots are exposed, so it’s advisable to move them to a more sheltered location, such as a greenhouse or conservatory, if possible .
3. How can I protect a potted olive tree?
Potted olive trees are more exposed to cold temperatures since their roots are less insulated. To protect them, wrap the pot in bubble wrap or hessian to insulate the roots. If possible, move the pot to a frost-free, sheltered spot like a greenhouse, conservatory, or against a south-facing wall .

4. Do olive trees lose their leaves in winter?
Olive trees are evergreen, so they should retain their leaves year-round. However, exposure to cold, drying winds or frost can cause leaf damage or drop. If you notice leaves turning brown or dropping, check for frost damage and consider offering more protection during future cold spells .

5. Should I water my olive tree in winter?
Watering should be minimal during winter, especially for olive trees in the ground. For potted trees, ensure the soil doesn’t dry out completely but avoid waterlogging, as soggy roots can rot. Reduce watering significantly, as the tree’s growth slows during winter .

6. Should I prune my olive tree in winter?
It’s best to avoid pruning olive trees in winter. Pruning is typically done in late spring or early summer when the risk of frost has passed. Winter pruning can expose fresh cuts to frost, increasing the risk of damage .
7. Can I leave my olive tree outside all winter?
Yes, olive trees can stay outside all winter in most parts of England. However, in areas prone to extreme cold or frost pockets, consider protecting your tree with fleece or moving it to a sheltered spot .

8. How do I know if my olive tree has frost damage?
Signs of frost damage include brown, curled, or dropped leaves. In severe cases, bark may split. If you notice these signs, avoid pruning immediately, as the plant may still recover when temperatures rise. Wait until spring to assess and remove damaged branches .
This guidance should help keep your olive trees healthy throughout the winter. With minimal care, they’ll continue to bring a touch of the Mediterranean to your garden year-round. Please check out our latest arrivals.